

 Home > Pomegranate Facts
Ganesh Bhagwa
Mridula Phule Arakta

> Pomegranates are not only used for eating but they are also used as medicines. 

> Sugar contents of Pomegranate Juice is about 12 to 16 %. This sugar is light for digestion.

> Pomegranate peels are used for medicines on diseases.

> Peels of pomegranate are also used colouring cloths.

> Juice of pomegranate is used to make Sodium Citrate, Citric Acid. These are used to prepare medicines.

> Peels of Pomegranate is used to prepare toothpastes / toothpowders.

> Dry peels of pomegranate are used with Tulsi leaves and ginger to prepare medicine for Cough.

> Pomegranate Juice has Iron, Phosphorus, Calcium, Magnesium etc which helps in growth of blood in the body.

> Many processed food products such as Juice, Cold drinks, Carbonated Drinks, Anardana, Wine, Syrup etc are prepared from Pomegranate Fruits.

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